Canterbury Caledonian Society
Scottish country dancing is a common pastime activity for thousands of dancers in Scotland and many other countries. We are members of the Canterbury Region of the NZ Branch of the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society. The Society was established in 1923 by its co-founders to protect and promote the standards of Scottish country dancing. Today it is an International organisation catering to the needs of some 25,000 members.
20-30 people enjoy dancing each Monday evening at the Caledonian Hall from 7:30 to 9:30pm from March to November. Scottish Dancing is great for both mental & physical fitness and is suitable for both couples and single people. We have a varied programme with short breaks between dances to change partners and a good chance to socialise at supper at the end of the evening. Several times during the season we have interclub events and each year we have an open night on a Saturday for the other clubs in the Region.
We have one teacher, Lorraine Whaley. Fully certificated RSCDS teacher of Scottish Country Dancing.
Getting Started
The first Monday dance of the year is a free night when anyone interested is welcome. If there are sufficient numbers a beginner’s class is run. The Canterbury Region runs Beginners, Intermediate & Advanced classes each year.
We begin dancing again on the last Monday in February. New dancers are welcome and tuition is provided. Bring a friend!
Day Schools, Weekend Schools
Each year schools are run in different places.
Membership & Association Fees
Evening charge $5, Caledonian Society $30/year
The club’s annual open night dance is usually held on the first Saturday in May commencing at 7:30pm, with a programme of popular dances. All dancers welcome!
Leona Beasley (03) 332 6720 - Secretary
Ian Marshall (027) 460 1733 - President